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Briton led to death in America by song

2009.11.08. 20:54 Jopolovie

A tourist who went to Amarillo, Texas, because of the hit song by Tony Christie has been shot dead during a bar hold-up

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2009.11.08. 20:53 Jopolovie

Paul Boateng is director of Aegis Defence Services after lobbying South Africa to water down proposed anti-mercenary legislation

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Blue whales reclaim old feeding grounds

2009.11.08. 20:51 Jopolovie

The population of the world’s biggest animal is recovering at last after decades spent on the edge of extinction

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Dyson children clean up with £45m payout

2009.11.08. 20:49 Jopolovie

Sir James Dyson's three children have each received £15m from a shares deal, according to documents filed at Companies House

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